The automobile and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The open road, getting your own set of keys at 16, the first step in Real World responsibility – these were just some of the pivotal experiences one would encounter while taking their first steps in car ownership. It would also possibly be the setting where you fingerblasted Katie in a McDonald’s parking lot. That is no longer the case.

The freedom of the Right to Travel is one of the most basic rights given to us, yet they get more and more caveats added to them year after year. I’m not being a pedantic edgy teenager here, where I’ll drop a big brain Joe Rogan nuke on you like, “bro, how free are we if we have to drive the speed limit?”, followed by, “dude, Thanksgiving is bullshit…” I’m saying that the perceived “freedom” or Right to Travel that is supposedly gained with owning an automobile is a farce and the chains that bind us only grow stronger.

To those young and naive enough, they may think that owning a car is still a bastion of freedom and rebellion, but it isn’t. Not for much longer, anyway. It is yet an even further descent into the abyss of Techno-Hell World and being monetarily and spiritually shaken down by what I call the Wallmasters.

controversial opinion: Wind Waker is the best Zelda game

The Wallmasters are the inverse concept of what Adam Smith called, “The Invisible Hand.” The Invisible Hand being defined as the positive unintended consequences of a free market and individuals pursuing their own interests. The Wallmasters being defined as the unintended (or intended?) negative consequences of the free market or government. It is to proliferate human suffering. Example – you need a new charging cable for your Macbook Air. The cheaper aftermarket one is ~$30 but a piece of shit fire hazard, made in China, and might last you 1 year. Every time you plug it in is a gamble with death. The official one sold by Apple, is good quality, might last you for the remaining life of your Macbook, but it’s $80+shipping.

This is a consequence of the Wallmasters.

Please do not take this as the ramblings of some disgruntled eco-cyclist. I enjoy automobiles, from both an aesthetic and engineering standpoint (ex: Subaru XT), but it seems that it is a challenge, if not an impossibility, to buy a car made within the past 15 years without it being littered with techno-shit. Not just any techno-shit, but the kind that results in the walls of Techno-Hell World getting closer and closer, until it’s inescapable. You will no longer “go online”, because there will be no more “online” to go to, you now exist within “online” and it’s difficult to tell where the boundaries end, if they end at all.

it’s good – end of review

It’s kinda like that movie The Game. Or the Lawnmower Man. Or Tron. Whatever.

This concept was fairly clear to me a number of years ago when I had to put my car in the shop and I had to get a rental – it was a Nissan Versa. I believe it was a 2008 or so. I was appalled at how so many things were automatic. Even the locks, which locked themselves as I shut the door, as if I couldn’t be trusted to lock my own door. I then assumed the direction that cars were heading in and I was right. With each passing year I saw more and more obnoxious technology and “automatic” functions featured in cars. Now that I think about it, perhaps this concept hasn’t even been happening recently. An older example of this would be the automatic seatbelts that were at one point installed in cars of the 80’s. But the argument is that they didn’t become the standard. Computers in cars has become the standard.

what the fuck is this shit?

I recently saw the 2021 Toyota Corolla, a basic commuter car, and it had a touch screen inside the car. Why does a barebones commuter car, whose demographic is essentially, “I dunno I just need a car”-guy, need a fucking touchscreen inside it? Most of the functions of the touchscreen are audio-related, with some supporting (oddly enough) Amazon Alexa. Mark my words, these things will start showing ads on them, if they don’t already. You’ll be forced to watch an ad in order to start your car. They’re already in taxi cabs. And they will be ads based off of voice data, i.e., conversations you have in your car, just like your smartphone.

I can’t understand how there are numerous laws on the books against cellphone usage while driving, nevermind numerous ad campaigns about the deaths caused by it, yet we can put 12” screens inside a car and that’s not implied to be distracting? I guess it’s ok as long as it’s collecting data on you.

did you know you can hack a car? these guys did. they even got funding from DARPA.

So what if you wanted to opt out and not have a distracting screen in your car? Out of curiosity I looked at each Corolla model, year by year, until I found one without a screen in it.

I had to go as far back as 2012 to find one.

“I can’t fix it and it tracks everywhere I go, just like my iPhone!” First it was smartphones, now it is cars.

do it

Oh, but Tesla and Waymo are working on self-driving cars! So we won’t even need to worry about being distracted! A self-driving car is just the Trolley Problem. Tesla actually has philosophers giving their input to it’s AI so it can decide whether to kill you or not. It is quite within the realm of possibility that your car kamikaze you in lieu of you plowing into a member of the protected class. The scent of your burning skin filling the air while you melt into the seats of your flaming model S, because it swerved to avoid killing a trans POC.

Tesla has also recently started production in China, which actually makes them somewhat profitable now, and may be irrefutable proof that Elon Musk is, in fact, profoundly retarded. After all, he thinks it’s cool to put a microchip in your brain to stream music directly into it via Neuralink. He’s already had Chinese engineers steal Tesla source code, supposedly the factories security cameras were hacked, China is paranoid about the cars themselves, thinking they’ll be used to gather data to spy on them to the extent that the military won’t let them near their bases, and what is to say that one of these Chinese engineers doesn’t add a backdoor to their software and shut their shit down and hold them for some kind of political negotiating tool? Is it far-fetched to say it’s a national security issue?

He has also gone on to bash American workers calling them “entitled”, which I would somewhat agree with, while praising the Chinese workers. So you mean if someone is making .25/hour they’ll be thrilled if you pay them .89/hour? Of course, they’re appreciative and thrilled. Watch some LiveLeak videos of Chinese work accidents, then it will be absolutely clear why. Their expectation of quality of life is much lower. So if someone is used to living in a shed behind someones house, they’ll be thrilled to stay in a Red Roof Inn? So he’s just yet another business owner that doesn’t want to pay and sold out his country.

hope you don’t mind being followed every where

Tesla is not the only problem, either. Every car will be pozzed. There’s also the implementation of Android Auto and (possibly) Apple CarPlay, which is in most recent automobiles, including Toyota, who refused at first but then apparently caved possibly due to Google money. Android Auto, like with most, if not all, Android products, reports all of their accumulated data to Google. My hunch is that, as you’re starting to see smartphones being used for sources of payment (Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, etc.), along with cellphone carriers implementing e-sims (no longer having physical sim cards, but digital ones that are tied to a device/carrier, furthering planned obsolescence), your smartphone will be tied to operating your car and (even more so) your identity. Tesla is already doing this. Instead of having a key fob needed on your person to start the push-button ignition, you will need to attach your phone to a dock within the car that has all of your required information on it (license, registration, criminal record, etc.) in order to start the car.

Apple is also currently working on their own EV.

(american national anthem playing)

Cars used to be something to aid and celebrate humanity, now it is increasingly used to strip humanity away, along with everything else. You’re forced to go to the DMV, you get up at 7am on your day off from your wage plantation, drive to the one location in the entire county, drive through the crowded parking lot looking for a space, wait in Soviet-esque lines, get massive attitude from wide-nostril afro-goblin with Lisa Frank dracula nails who tells you to fill out form 1032-D at the kiosk, then you wait 2 hours among ethnics and their Kool-Aid-fueled children who Colin Flaherty will talk about some day, only to get financially raped for tags, fees, and insurance, which is your punishment for not driving a complete shitbox.

When not doing that, you’re doing your daily commute, stuck in traffic for 90 minutes each way because you live in the city since that’s where all the good-paying jobs are because your country sold you out and would rather pay foreign labor less, ergo destroying the economies of smaller towns. While stuck in traffic you stare at billboard after billboard for weed and sex shops, you get stressed out from dealing with other drivers that are smoking weed behind the wheel, staring at their phone, fucking with their touchscreen, so you’re routinely stressed out day after day before you even start working. Parking off-street at your job is $9 per hour.

Then maybe you have a problem with your car so you take it to a mechanic. Mechanics are, as a group, up there with medical professionals for being the smartest yet the dumbest people at the same time. So you take it there, waste hours of your life waiting for them to look at it, only to be told you have to take it to a dealer who will then charge you a ton of money to fix it. The alternate scenario is the mechanic “fixes” it, then something else breaks down or the problem happens again, so then you take it back, etc., ad nauseam. “Find a good mechanic you can trust.” How many doctors, let alone mechanics, can you trust? And how many are there?

True story – I had a car that was missing wheel bearings on one side, which can result in said wheel flying off while driving, and had a mechanic (imagine skin complexion) tell me to my face that it was fine to drive for “about 6 months”. If I had listened to him I would probably be dead.

based (even though it probably causes cancer because of aluminum/parabens).

So then you say, “fuck this, I’m taking the bus/subway!” Every ride will closely resemble a mix between the boat scene in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, the Thriller music video, and a refugee camp. Grotesque malevolent monstrosities inhabit this Temple of Hell. Junkies shooting heroin, weird homeless native drunk guy that obviously pees his pants a lot (determined by smell) pukes all over the floor, Ethiopian women screeching in falsetto tones at their 4 hyperactive children, feral Rhythmic People (who still sit in the back of the bus wtf) engage in a loud argument which erupts in violence. Flip flops will be flopped, weaves will be snatched, fat lips will be fatter, you stare ahead, emotionless, spirit destroyed, the words “WORLD STAR!! WORLD STAR!! WORLD STAR!!” echoing in your head as you silently beg your Creator to take you…

The bus driver pulls over, calls the police, and you’re stuck there waiting for the next bus to come. This type of situation will happen multiple times per week.

That’s just a small sample of life in fast-approaching Techno-Hell World. What does the future look like beyond even that in Techno-Hell World? You figure the solution is to just opt-out and live innawoods, when it is very difficult and one must go to extreme lengths to do so. The plan seems to be to make it so you cannot escape it. That is a small glimpse of this rail shooter that we’re playing right now. The choices are stark. If you choose to participate, you are tracked, monitored, constantly advertised to, and financially gouged. If you choose not to participate, you are thrown to the bottom of the caste system and punished, made to exist among human animals. You seek freedom, but have traded for a stronger set of chains.

The days of freedom with the automobile (and in general) are coming to a fairly swift end.

If you think that anything, no matter what it is, is “no big deal” and doesn’t control your way of life – try to stop using it or opt out and see how difficult it is just to say “no”.

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